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The Giant cell tumour of soft tissue (GCT-ST) is a rare primary tumour of soft tissue. It usually involves superficial and deepersoft tissue of the upper and lower extremities. However, a case report on the trunk, breast, head, and neck are reported asunusual locations.
Case presentation
Thus, we present a 34-year-old female who presented with a 5-year history of swelling on the lateral aspect of the left elbowjoint. The swelling was initially the size of her index finger and gradually increased in size. There was no history of trauma,surgery, or previous lesions on the left elbow joint, no associated pain, ulceration, no mass or masses anywhere in her body,and no history of surgical excision of any lesion in the past. There was an associated weakness of the left hand especially thethumb, index, and middle finger as the patient cannot grip things firmly; however, there was no loss of sensation. She had aplain X-ray, ultrasound, and CT scan which illustrated a well-defined mass within the soft tissue and excised. The specimenwas subjected to histopathology examination with a diagnosis of a giant cell tumour. She has been on regular follow withsatisfactory outcomes.
The definitive diagnosis of giant cell tumour of soft tissue is extremely difficult to establish with radiologicalassessment only without recourse to histopathology appraisal. The goal standard to establish a definitive diagnosis ishistopathology examination and rule out the mimickers. The optimal treatment involves surgical excision with tumour tumor-free margin.


Giant cell tumour CT scan , plain X-ray

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